Zájazd do

Apartmán Mara

Hodnotenie: 3/5

Chorvátsko, Umag


Viac o hoteli

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Popis objektu

Newly renovated apartments in Murine, only 3.0 km from the lively center of Umag. The apartment is located on the ground floor of the house, and offers guests a fully equipped kitchen, living room and dining room with access to a beautiful terrace where you can enjoy drinking morning coffee with family or friends. In two bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other with two single beds), an additional bed for two people is located in the living room), the apartment can accommodate a total of 6 people. There is one bathroom with a shower and a washing machine at your disposal. The air conditioner is located in the corridor above the entrance door. Bed linen and towels are included in the apartment rental price. The big advantage of this apartment is a quiet location, but still close to the beach and the city center. Tennis courts and Katoro beach are located in the immediate vicinity.Newly renovated apartments in Murine, only 3.0 km from the lively center of Umag. The apartment is located on the 1.floor of the house and offers guests a fully equipped kitchen, living room, and dining room with access to a beautiful terrace where you can enjoy drinking morning coffee with family or friends. In two bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other with two separate beds), an additional bed for two people is in the living room) the apartment can accommodate a total of 6 people. There is one bathroom with a shower and a washing machine at your disposal. The air conditioner is located in the corridor above the entrance door. Bed linen and towels are included in the apartment rental price. The big advantage of this apartment is its quiet location, but still close to the beach and the city center. Tennis courts and Katoro Beach are located in the immediate vicinity.


45.463196, 13.550385

Typy pokojů

3-pokojový byt 6 osoby
Newly renovated apartments in Murine, only 3.0 km from the lively center of Umag. The apartment is located on the 1.floor of the house and offers guests a fully equipped kitchen, living room, and dining room with access to a beautiful terrace where you can enjoy drinking morning coffee with family or friends. In two bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other with two separate beds), an additional bed for two people is in the living room) the apartment can accommodate a total of 6 people. There is one bathroom with a shower and a washing machine at your disposal. The air conditioner is located in the corridor above the entrance door. Bed linen and towels are included in the apartment rental price. The big advantage of this apartment is its quiet location, but still close to the beach and the city center. Tennis courts and Katoro Beach are located in the immediate vicinity.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 4

3-pokojový byt 5 osoby
Newly renovated apartments in Murine, only 3.0 km from the lively center of Umag. The apartment is located on the ground floor of the house, and offers guests a fully equipped kitchen, living room and dining room with access to a beautiful terrace where you can enjoy drinking morning coffee with family or friends. In two bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other with two single beds), an additional bed for two people is located in the living room), the apartment can accommodate a total of 6 people. There is one bathroom with a shower and a washing machine at your disposal. The air conditioner is located in the corridor above the entrance door. Bed linen and towels are included in the apartment rental price. The big advantage of this apartment is a quiet location, but still close to the beach and the city center. Tennis courts and Katoro beach are located in the immediate vicinity.

  • TV
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 1
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 4


Informácie o hoteli

Vyberte si termín



Mesto s približne 5 000 obyvateľmi sa stalo obľúbeným prímorským kúpeľným strediskom v oblasti západoistrijského prímoria. Veľmi úrodné okolie dopomohlo rozvoju poľnohospodárstva, medzi najobľúbenejšie plodiny jednoznačne patrí vinná réva. Miestne vinné pivnice sú údajne najväčšie v celej Istrii. 

Celá turistická aglomerácia Umagu sa skladá z niekoľkých letovísk, medzi nimi vyniká Stella Maris, veľmi kvalitné a známe tenisové stredisko s veľkým štadiónom, tenisovou školou a 40 antukovými kurtmi. Nie nadarmo býva táto lokalita nazývaná strediskom bieleho športu. Nenechajte si ujsť medzinárodný tenisový turnaj ATP Croatia Open, ktorý sa koná každoročne koncom júla. Ďalšími centrami sú Punta, Katoro alebo Kanegra. Celá oblasť je tiež známa skrz liečbu morskou vodou - talasoterapiu. 

Prevažnú väčšinu svojej existencie bol Umag pod cudzím vplyvom, či už pod nadvládou Rimanov, Benátčanov, Rakúšanov alebo Talianov. Súčasťou Chorvátska sa stal v roku 1953. Z dávnych dôb sa dochovali hlavne hradné steny a veže, rovnako ako barokový kostol z 18. storočia. Z celého mesta a jeho úzkych krivolakých uličiek či starých domov je cítiť stredovekú atmosféru. 

Určite si tu užijete rozprávkovú dovolenku na vlnách Jadranského mora, ktoré ešte podporia kamienkové pláže v umelo vytvorených zátokách, lemované borovicovými porastmi. Na vodné športy je miesto ako stvorené, rovnako aj na jazdy na koni, futbal, minigolf alebo cyklistiku. Pokiaľ nechcete tráviť dovolenku len na jednom mieste, spestrite si svoj pobyt výletom napríklad na polostrov Sipar, na ňom sú stále viditeľné zvyšky rímskeho osídlenia, alebo dokonca môžete podniknúť romantický výlet do Benátok.


Aktuálne počasie

  • Teplota vzduchu 19 °C

  • Teplota vody 20 °C

Vhodné mesiace na dovolenku v tejto destinácii

  • Najlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Nízka sezóna
  1. Január: Nízka sezóna
  2. Február: Nízka sezóna
  3. Marec: Nízka sezóna
  4. Apríl: Nízka sezóna
  5. Máj: Dobrý
  6. Jún: Najlepší
  7. Júl: Najlepší
  8. August: Najlepší
  9. September: Dobrý
  10. Október: Dobrý
  11. November: Nízka sezóna
  12. December: Nízka sezóna

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