Zájazd do

Magdalena AS22

Hodnotenie: 3/5

Chorvátsko, Rovinj

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Magdalena AS22

Popis objektu

The beautifully decorated Apartments Magdalena are located in a quiet part of Rovinj, only a 5-minute walk from the picturesque Old Town of Rovinj. The ground floor apartment consist of two bedrooms with a double bed, a fully equipped kitchen ( stove, oven, , coffe maker) and a bathroom equipped with a bathtub. In the living room there is a sofa bed for one additional person. The living room has an exit to the covered terrace with BBQ. The rental price includes the use of: Wi-fi, parking, bed linen, towels and air conditioning which is located in one bedroom. Restaurants, sports facilities, the beach and the center of Rovinj are within walking distance. We recommend these beautifully decorated and comfortable apartments to families with children and couples. The beautifully decorated Apartments Magdalena are located in a quiet part of Rovinj, only a 5-minute walk from the picturesque Old Town of Rovinj. Apartment is located on the first floor and consist of one bedroom with a double bed, a living room, a fully equipped kitchen ( stove, oven,coffe maker) and a bathroom equipped with a shower. In the living room there is a sofa bed for two additional persons. The living room has an exit to the covered balcony. The rental price includes the use of: Wi-fi, parking, bed linen, towels and air conditioning which is located in the living room. Restaurants, sports facilities, the beach and the center of Rovinj are within walking distance. We recommend these beautifully decorated and comfortable apartments to families with children and couples. Holiday house with private garden in the center of Rovinj for 8 people. Holiday house Magdalena consists of three apartments that are connected into one house. Guests have at their disposal 3 interconnected units. The house offers: 3 kitchens, 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms, 2 living rooms and 3 terraces. Two bathrooms are with a shower and one is with a bathtub. The house can accommodate 8 people. In front of the house is provided private parking for three cars. The house is an ideal destination for more families with children, or a group of people who want to stay near the city center. The beach is about 600 meters away. On the beautiful coast of Istria, just below the Lim Channel, is the most romantic place in the Mediterranean! Rovinj is the right destination for all of you who are looking for a romantic atmosphere of some past times. In the Mediterranean, you can find it here, in this city that began its romantic life on the island, which owes compact houses, narrow streets and small squares only to a small space and which still does not touch modern urbanism.


  • zapůjčení kol zdarma


45.087524, 13.647552

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The beautifully decorated Apartments Magdalena are located in a quiet part of Rovinj, only a 5-minute walk from the picturesque Old Town of Rovinj. Apartment is located on the first floor and consist of one bedroom with a double bed, a living room, a fully equipped kitchen ( stove, oven,coffe maker) and a bathroom equipped with a shower. In the living room there is a sofa bed for two additional persons. The living room has an exit to the covered balcony. The rental price includes the use of: Wi-fi, parking, bed linen, towels and air conditioning which is located in the living room. Restaurants, sports facilities, the beach and the center of Rovinj are within walking distance. We recommend these beautifully decorated and comfortable apartments to families with children and couples.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The beautifully decorated Apartments Magdalena are located in a quiet part of Rovinj, only a 5-minute walk from the picturesque Old Town of Rovinj. Apartment is located on the first floor and consist of one bedroom with a double bed, a living room, a fully equipped kitchen ( stove, oven,coffe maker) and a bathroom equipped with a shower. In the living room there is a sofa bed for two additional persons. The living room has an exit to the covered balcony. The rental price includes the use of: Wi-fi, parking, bed linen, towels and air conditioning which is located in the living room. Restaurants, sports facilities, the beach and the center of Rovinj are within walking distance. We recommend these beautifully decorated and comfortable apartments to families with children and couples.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

3-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The beautifully decorated Apartments Magdalena are located in a quiet part of Rovinj, only a 5-minute walk from the picturesque Old Town of Rovinj. The ground floor apartment consist of two bedrooms with a double bed, a fully equipped kitchen ( stove, oven, , coffe maker) and a bathroom equipped with a bathtub. In the living room there is a sofa bed for one additional person. The living room has an exit to the covered terrace with BBQ. The rental price includes the use of: Wi-fi, parking, bed linen, towels and air conditioning which is located in one bedroom. Restaurants, sports facilities, the beach and the center of Rovinj are within walking distance. We recommend these beautifully decorated and comfortable apartments to families with children and couples.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 2
  • počet koupelen: 2
  • počet ložnic: 2
  • počet lůžek: 2

5-pokojový byt 8 osoby
Holiday house with private garden in the center of Rovinj for 8 people. Holiday house Magdalena consists of three apartments that are connected into one house. Guests have at their disposal 3 interconnected units. The house offers: 3 kitchens, 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms, 2 living rooms and 3 terraces. Two bathrooms are with a shower and one is with a bathtub. The house can accommodate 8 people. In front of the house is provided private parking for three cars. The house is an ideal destination for more families with children, or a group of people who want to stay near the city center. The beach is about 600 meters away. On the beautiful coast of Istria, just below the Lim Channel, is the most romantic place in the Mediterranean! Rovinj is the right destination for all of you who are looking for a romantic atmosphere of some past times. In the Mediterranean, you can find it here, in this city that began its romantic life on the island, which owes compact houses, narrow streets and small squares only to a small space and which still does not touch modern urbanism.

  • TV
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 4
  • počet ložnic: 4
  • počet lůžek: 8

Magdalena AS22

Informácie o hoteli

Vyberte si termín



Z Puly sa do prístavného mesta Rovinj dostanete pomerne rýchlo, 36 kilometrovú vzdialenosť prejdete hneď. Prekvapí Vás tu veľká luxusná hotelová aglomerácia, uprostred na malom polostrove sa rozkladá pôvodná časť mesta. Určite tu ale nájdeme aj bujné porasty subtropických rastlín a vinohradov. Medzi vinným odrodami vyniká najmä malvazija. Dokonca v tejto oblasti môžeme hovoriť aj o zaujímavom výrobnom odvetví - spracovaní tabaku. 

Rovinj je vlastne súčasťou dlhej turistickej oblasti tiahnucej sa na severe od Limského zálivu, ktorá prechádza mnohými letoviskami ako sú Monte Mulin, Park, Eden atď. 

Pokiaľ váhate, čo v Rovinji podniknúť, vyrazte napríklad na maličký zalesnený ostrovček Katarina alebo preskúmajte zvyšky stavieb z rímskych dôb na ostrove Sveti Andrija. Okolité malé ostrovčeky sú naozajstnou oázou pokoja - nenájdete tu žiadne autá, a dokonca ani diskotéky. Práve tu si môžete naozaj odpočinúť a načerpať sily na preskúmanie ďalších historických pamiatok a zaujímavostí. 

Rovinj bol pôvodne založený ako ilyrské sídlo, na ktorom sa postupne vystriedali nadvlády Rimanov, Byzantíncov i Frankov. Päťsto rokov tu dokonca vládli Benátčania. Na najvyššom bode mesta sa týči impozantný kostol sv. Eufémie, obsahujúci, okrem iného, antický sarkofág sv. Eufémie zo 6. storočia. Keď sa znesieme trošku nižšie, až na námestie, upúta našu pozornosť Balbiho oblúk, stojaci na mieste niekdajšej mestskej brány a tiež baroková radnica s hodinovou vežou, ktorá býva zachytená na každej pohľadnici z Rovinje. Najstaršou pamiatkou celého mesta je však osemboká románska kaplnka sv. Trojice z 13. storočia. 

Celé mesto sa nesie v športovom duchu. Okrem tradičných vodných a suchozemských športov sa môžete vyšantiť na paintballe v klube Adrenalina, prejsť sa na koni alebo skúsiť svoje sily na umelej horolezeckej stene v zábavnom centre Monvi. To je známe ako obrovský komplex všetkého, na čo si len spomeniete, od diskoték a reštaurácií, cez galérie, športové zariadenia až po kasína.


Aktuálne počasie

  • Teplota vzduchu 23 °C

  • Teplota vody 23 °C

Vhodné mesiace na dovolenku v tejto destinácii

  • Najlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Nízka sezóna
  1. Január: Nízka sezóna
  2. Február: Nízka sezóna
  3. Marec: Nízka sezóna
  4. Apríl: Nízka sezóna
  5. Máj: Dobrý
  6. Jún: Najlepší
  7. Júl: Najlepší
  8. August: Najlepší
  9. September: Dobrý
  10. Október: Dobrý
  11. November: Nízka sezóna
  12. December: Nízka sezóna

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