Zájazd do

Apartmán Stanisic

Hodnotenie: 3/5

Chorvátsko, Pula, Fažana

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Apartments Stanisic in Fazana

Popis objektu

Apartments Fažana is located in a peaceful and quiet district. The property has a private garden features a barbecue and summer terrace, while free parking and free Wi-Fi are also provided. Apartments with TV with satellite channels. The nearest beach is 800 metres away, while the centre of Fažana can be reached in 500 metres. The nearest supermarket is 300 metres from the property. Peaceful and quiet location where private garden, barbecue and summer terrace with free parking and free Wi-Fi and TV with satellite channels are waiting for you. Pula, and its famous amphitheatre, can be reached in 5 km. Pets are welcome ! There is a washing machine that can be used at an additional charge.Apartments Fažana is located in a peaceful and quiet district. The property has a private garden features a barbecue and summer terrace, while free parking and free Wi-Fi are also provided. All apartments are air-conditioned and feature a seating area and a TV with satellite channels. The nearest beach is 800 metres away, while the centre of Fažana can be reached in 500 metres. The nearest supermarket is 300 metres from the property. Pula, and its famous amphitheatre, can be reached in 5 km. Peaceful and quiet location where private garden ,barbecue and summer terrace with free parking and free Wi-Fi, air-condition and TV with satellite channels waiting for You. There is a washing machine that can be used at an additional charge.Apartments Fažana is located in a peaceful and quiet district. The property has a private garden features a barbecue and summer terrace, while free parking and free Wi-Fi are also provided. All apartments are air-conditioned and feature a seating area and a TV with satellite channels. The nearest beach is 800 metres away, while the centre of Fažana can be reached in 500 metres. The nearest supermarket is 300 metres from the property. Pula, and its famous amphitheatre, can be reached in 5 km. There are 2 one-bedroom apartments in this property. Peaceful and quiet location where private garden, barbecue and summer terrace with free parking and free Wi-Fi, air condition and TV with satellite channels are waiting for you. There is a washing machine that can be used at an additional charge.


  • tělocvična


44.925371, 13.813085

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Apartments Fažana is located in a peaceful and quiet district. The property has a private garden features a barbecue and summer terrace, while free parking and free Wi-Fi are also provided. All apartments are air-conditioned and feature a seating area and a TV with satellite channels. The nearest beach is 800 metres away, while the centre of Fažana can be reached in 500 metres. The nearest supermarket is 300 metres from the property. Pula, and its famous amphitheatre, can be reached in 5 km. Peaceful and quiet location where private garden ,barbecue and summer terrace with free parking and free Wi-Fi, air-condition and TV with satellite channels waiting for You. There is a washing machine that can be used at an additional charge.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
Apartments Fažana is located in a peaceful and quiet district. The property has a private garden features a barbecue and summer terrace, while free parking and free Wi-Fi are also provided. All apartments are air-conditioned and feature a seating area and a TV with satellite channels. The nearest beach is 800 metres away, while the centre of Fažana can be reached in 500 metres. The nearest supermarket is 300 metres from the property. Pula, and its famous amphitheatre, can be reached in 5 km. There are 2 one-bedroom apartments in this property. Peaceful and quiet location where private garden, barbecue and summer terrace with free parking and free Wi-Fi, air condition and TV with satellite channels are waiting for you. There is a washing machine that can be used at an additional charge.

  • TV
  • obývací prostor
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet přistýlek: 1
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 3

2-pokojový byt 2 osoby
Apartments Fažana is located in a peaceful and quiet district. The property has a private garden features a barbecue and summer terrace, while free parking and free Wi-Fi are also provided. Apartments with TV with satellite channels. The nearest beach is 800 metres away, while the centre of Fažana can be reached in 500 metres. The nearest supermarket is 300 metres from the property. Peaceful and quiet location where private garden, barbecue and summer terrace with free parking and free Wi-Fi and TV with satellite channels are waiting for you. Pula, and its famous amphitheatre, can be reached in 5 km. Pets are welcome ! There is a washing machine that can be used at an additional charge.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • WC
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 2

Apartments Stanisic in Fazana

Informácie o hoteli

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Dôkazy o trvalom osídlení tohto miesta pochádzajú z obdobia spred niekoľkých desiatok storočí. V 1. storočí tu Rimania založili kolóniu s názvom Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola, a práve táto udalosť dala možnosť vzniknúť veľkému množstvu historických pamiatok ako je amfiteáter, Herkulova brána alebo Víťazný oblúk rodiny Sergijevac. Postupom času, a tiež s prichádzajúcim vplyvom Talianska, ktorej súčasťou sa Pula stala, sa začalo meniť aj zloženie obyvateľov. Keď bola Pula pripojená k Juhoslávii, drvivá väčšina miestnych obyvateľov hovorila taliansky, a dokonca ešte aj dnes sa tu touto rečou môžeme dorozumieť. 

Pula je v súčasnosti najväčším mestom v celej Istrii a stala sa jej dôležitým strediskom. Z hľadiska turistiky stojí veľmi vysoko na pomyslenom rebríčku popularity medzi turistami, a to hlavne tých, ktorí si nenechajú ujsť žiadnu športovú alebo kultúrnu príležitosť. 

Pokiaľ hodláte stráviť dovolenku práve v tomto meste, nezabudnite navštíviť slávny rímsky amfiteáter z 1. storočia, ktorý je zároveň piaty najzachovalejší v Európe. V období svojej najväčšej slávy pojal neuveriteľných 23 tisíc ľudí. Dnes slúži ako dejisko mnohých festivalov a zábavných akcií. Triumfálny oblúk rodiny Sergijevac pochádza tiež z tohto obdobia a bol súčasťou pôvodnej Zlatej brány. Tá bola bohužiaľ zrúcaná v 19. storočí. Ak sa presunieme z rímskych dôb do neskorších storočí, nesmieme zabudnúť spomenúť Mariánsku katedrálu pri nábreží s veľmi vzácnym interiérom alebo niekoľko múzeí, či už s historickou alebo vinárskou tematikou.


Aktuálne počasie

  • Teplota 21 °C v noci 18 °C

  • Teplota vzduchu 19 °C

  • Teplota vody 20 °C

Predpoveď na ďalšie dni

  • Zajtra 21 °C v noci 16 °C

  • Nedeľa 19 °C v noci 15 °C

  • Pondelok 21 °C v noci 13 °C

  • Utorok 20 °C v noci 16 °C

Vhodné mesiace na dovolenku v tejto destinácii

  • Najlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Nízka sezóna
  1. Január: Nízka sezóna
  2. Február: Nízka sezóna
  3. Marec: Nízka sezóna
  4. Apríl: Nízka sezóna
  5. Máj: Dobrý
  6. Jún: Najlepší
  7. Júl: Najlepší
  8. August: Najlepší
  9. September: Dobrý
  10. Október: Dobrý
  11. November: Nízka sezóna
  12. December: Nízka sezóna

Ďalšie zájazdy, ktoré by vás mohli zaujať