Zájazd do

Apartmán Bajan

Hodnotenie: 3/5

Chorvátsko, Primošten, Primošten


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Apartment House Bajan

Popis objektu

The one bedroom apartment A1 is located on the ground floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 26 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one aditional guest, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils and a dining area, and a terrace with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 3 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.The one bedroom apartment A2 is located on the ground floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 26 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one aditional guest, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils and a dining area, and a terrace with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 3 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.The one bedroom apartment A3 is located on the second floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 36 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils, a dining area and a and a sofa bed for two aditional guests, and a balcony with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 4 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.The one bedroom apartment A4 is located on the second floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 36 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils, a dining area and a and a sofa bed for two aditional guests, and a balcony with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 4 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.


43.67682, 15.948067

Typy pokojů

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The one bedroom apartment A3 is located on the second floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 36 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils, a dining area and a and a sofa bed for two aditional guests, and a balcony with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 4 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 4

2-pokojový byt 4 osoby
The one bedroom apartment A4 is located on the second floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 36 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with two single beds, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils, a dining area and a and a sofa bed for two aditional guests, and a balcony with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 4 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.

  • TV
  • balkón
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 4

2-pokojový byt 3 osoby
The one bedroom apartment A1 is located on the ground floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 26 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one aditional guest, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils and a dining area, and a terrace with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 3 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 3

2-pokojový byt 3 osoby
The one bedroom apartment A2 is located on the ground floor of the apartment House Bajan in the small town Jadrtovac, a village located in the Morinje Bay, 11 kilometers away from the city Šibenik. The apartment spreads on 26 square meters and consists of a spacious bedroom with a double bed and a sofa bed for one aditional guest, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with kitchen utensils and a dining area, and a terrace with garden furniture. The apartment can accomodate a maximum of 3 guests. Parking, Air-conditioning, WiFi, Bed linen and towels are included in the rental price of the apartment. The Apartment house is located near the sea, the first beach is a short walk from the apartment away. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation near the sea and in a quiet environment this accommodation is the right choice for you.

  • TV
  • klimatizace
  • oddělená kuchyně
  • terasa
  • Wi-Fi
  • počet koupelen: 1
  • počet ložnic: 1
  • počet lůžek: 3

Apartment House Bajan

Informácie o hoteli

Vyberte si termín



Nachádza sa medzi zátokami Luka Primošten a Raduša, asi 28 km juhovýchodne od Šibeníka hneď pri magistrále. Toto mestečko je vlastne rozdelené na dve časti, rozkladajúce sa na menších polostrovoch. Jeden z nich, na ktorom bola vystavaná a stupňovite rozmiestnená stará dedina, je s pevninou spojený mostom. To dalo celej obci jej názov, lebo Primošten znamená premostený alebo pripojený mostom. Dominantou tejto malebnej lokality je kostol sv. Juraja so vzácnou ikonou Panny Márie so sv. Lukášom. Druhý polostrov Raduča je skôr zalesnený a pri pohľade na neho uvidíte, ako z bujného borovicového porastu vykukuje pár hotelov alebo iných turistických zariadení. Tu si môžete užívať kúpanie a opaľovanie sa na pozvoľne zostupujúcich kamienkových plážach; hustý porast tiež ponúka dostatok tienistých zákutí ako ochranu pred spálením. Určite sa nebojte vyskúšať školu jachtingu alebo potápania, tak ako aj ďalšie vodné či iné športy. Pre tancachtivých návštevníkov odporúčame diskotéku Aurora s kapacitou až 3000 ľudí a bohatým programom, z ktorého si vyberie snáď každý, ak sú jeho hudobné nároky akékoľvek. Mestečko sa tiež preslávilo veľkou koncentráciou výtvarných umelcov alebo hudobníkov. Asi najväčším miestnym lákadlom sú však preslávené vinohrady, známe ako "svetová pamiatka ľudskej práce a driny". Vynikajúce víno však za túto námahu určite stojí.


Aktuálne počasie

  • Teplota 19 °C v noci 13 °C

  • Teplota vzduchu 21 °C

  • Teplota vody 20 °C

Predpoveď na ďalšie dni

  • Zajtra 20 °C v noci 14 °C

  • Utorok 23 °C v noci 15 °C

  • Streda 22 °C v noci 19 °C

  • Štvrtok 23 °C v noci 18 °C

Vhodné mesiace na dovolenku v tejto destinácii

  • Najlepší
  • Dobrý
  • Nízka sezóna
  1. Január: Nízka sezóna
  2. Február: Nízka sezóna
  3. Marec: Nízka sezóna
  4. Apríl: Nízka sezóna
  5. Máj: Dobrý
  6. Jún: Najlepší
  7. Júl: Najlepší
  8. August: Najlepší
  9. September: Dobrý
  10. Október: Dobrý
  11. November: Nízka sezóna
  12. December: Nízka sezóna

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